Payment of packs
What are the available payment methods?To add one or more job offers to Nurseo, you need to first buy one of our packs. You can pay directly online using a credit or debit card or PayPal. You can also pay by bank transfer to the account number indicated in your order confirmation. In both cases, you will receive a formal invoice after placing your order.
Search for a job / an internship
Who can I contact if I have any questions/problems?
If you have any questions about how Nurseo works or our price packs, or if you encounter a problem when using the platform, feel free to contact us via our contact form or by writing to
Can I also post internship offers on Nurseo?
Of course! Nurseo allows you to post both job and internship offers. Potential candidates will discover your offers depending on the type of contract they specified in their search (internship, part-time or full-time job).
Is it possible to recruit candidates from abroad using Nurseo?Yes, Nurseo also allows you to recruit staff abroad. If this is what you want to do, simply indicate this in the job offer creation assistant by ticking the box "accept applications from abroad". In this case, all candidates will be able to apply for your job. Otherwise, only candidates living in Belgium will be able to apply for your job.
What is a "company page"?
On Nurseo, certain price packs will allow you to create a "company page" to which you can add a description of your establishment, your vision/mission, your healthcare philosophy, your values, the work environment you propose etc. As you will see here, our "Advanced" and "Pro" packs both give you access to this feature. However, only the "Pro" price pack will allow you to use these company pages to their fullest potential and develop your employer brand (add photos, videos, testimonials etc.).
What kind of statistics can I access to monitor the effectiveness of my adverts?
When you log in to your account, you will have access to a dashboard detailing the effectiveness of each of your adverts (number of views, number of times saved, clicks on the "apply" button etc.). This dashboard will also detail the visibility statistics of your "company page".
Can I promote several available posts within the same job offer?
No. Each advert must concern only one job. However, if you want to promote several job offers, you can select the number of job offers you want to promote, regardless of the price pack chosen.
In what format will I receive applications from candidates?
To ensure your recruitment process is not made more difficult and allow you to centralise applications received, candidates who consult your adverts will be able to click directly on the "Apply" button to access the career/recruitment page of your website. They will also be able to send you their applications by email using the email address mentioned on your company page. To facilitate analysis of applications received and allow you to obtain all the necessary information, candidates will have to create their CV online using a pre-formatted model.
How will potential candidates find my job offer(s)?
When visitors looking for a new job access the "Candidates" section of the Nurseo website, they will be able to use the matching tool to view job offers that correspond to their criteria. Potential candidates can sort job offers by profession (nurse, auxiliary nurse or midwife), contract type (internship, part-time job or full-time job) and geographic location. They can then refine their search based on more specific criteria (work environment, fixed term and indefinite term contract, working hours etc.). Please note that your adverts will also be featured on your company page if you purchase a price pack offering this feature.